Anand Sahib

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Anand Sahib is chanted at the time of all religious rites irrespective of the nature of event, be it a marriage or death. In Eternal Light of this Grace of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji, mind and soul of a true sikh remains steadfast and goal oriented in all circumstances of life. In an awakened mind with Guru Consciousness and intoxicated with the Nectar of Nam, one is always tuned with the Sweet Will of the Lord in all ups and downs of life, in pain and pleasure alike. His is a mind which is ever luminous with Guru Consciousness and is in perpetual intoxication with the Nectar of Nam, Amrit Bani; Dukh or Sukh, pain and pleasure appearing the same as His Sweet Will.

Bliss, Anand, Love of the Beloved Satguru is a strange and mysterious phenomenon. It is this Supreme Bliss, Anand, Love of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji with His Beloved Satguru Angad Sahib, which bursts out like showers of Eternal Grace in the shape of Holy Anand Sahib, for the whole mankind for all times to come. This Anand is completely enveloping, engulfing, overwhelming, and gripping in its nature and effect. Pure Guru Consciousness totally takes over. It completely envelops and grips all the faculties and senses of a true lover and opens the flood gates of Param Anand for him. One remains totally immersed in this Ocean of Bliss.

Having tasted the Nectar of Divine Bliss in meeting the Beloved Satguru and having tasted the Nam Ras by Satguru's Grace, no worldly happiness, pleasure is comparable to a fraction of this Bliss and no worldly sorrows and affliction can unbalance and shake this bliss because one submerged in this bliss has really transcended all pleasant and unpleasant dimensions of living experience.

Sri Guru Amar Das Ji most wonderfully expresses the Supreme Bliss experienced, enjoyed, and attained in begetting, finding, meeting the Holy True Guru.

In this hour of Supreme Bliss, all celestial musicians, nymphs, fairies have rushed forth in joining and singing the Glory of the Lord and Satguru. All celestial singers and Raags have joined in this state of rapture.

All seeming earthly joys of the world disappear and vanish at the time of death. The fleeting joys and pleasures of the world abruptly end up with the death of the body. But True Anand, Bliss blessed by the Satguru survives even death. It is ‘Sadeevi Sukh’, Perpetual Joy, Infinite and Supreme Bliss, True Param Anand in Eternity.

Merged in this Anand one rises far above all dualities. This Anand is different from worldly pleasure or joy. It is also not dependant on worldly objects. This Anand pertains to the Bliss of the Atam. It does not diminish in adversity. It is perpetual in all ups and downs of life. This Anand transcends pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow. Merged in this Anand, one is actually merged in the Lord, and he feels, beholds, and experiences only the Eternal Presence of the Lord every moment of his earthly life.

Only a True Guru can bless a true devotee with this rarest of the rare Bliss — Anand.

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